Players intent on completing the game with a minimum of violent responses should be aware of inevitable situations that will require confrontation with extremists and vicious NPCs. Players encounter dozens of Non-Player Characters (NPCs), animals, and bizarre situations as they explore the non-linear world by investigating homes, alleys, rooftops, roads, clubs, shops, multi-story buildings, banks, convenient stores, and much more. Sprinkled with humor as well as violence, Postal 2's immediate goal requires players to survive five days of tedious errands, with the map of Paradise expanding upon completion of each day's missions. Players have the option of trying to navigate the game's many violent scenes peacefully or blazing their way through the daily errands required of the Postal Dude with an arsenal consisting of shovels, batons, stun guns, gasoline, pistols, shotguns, machine guns, grenades, Molotov cocktails, scissors, rifles, rocket launchers, napalm, and more. Postal 2 upgrades the action with the use of Epic's Unreal warfare engine, and features actor Gary Coleman in a special guest role.Postal 2 had some wonderful things as antiportals, but with GZDooM you have to get smart, but you surely know that. But with some single sided lines around the map, also making actors invisible from certain distance, increased fps by 50 - 150 %. The problem is that 3D sectors don't "cover" any of the objects so they always are rendered, so in bigger map I get poor framerates. Some of the rooms could be smaller cause I eyeballed everything.Īlso, some models turn into sprites at certain distance, need to tune it so it's less noticeable. NPC heads are removed cause death animation is just headless model.
You should be able jump through windows I don't see why not, maybe there is a bug with hitboxes I don't know yett Models popping in and out in the distance that is optimization thing. Some of the rooms feels way smaller than I remember in Postal 2 NPCs' heads always gets removed whenever they die

You can't jump through windows (this could be a DECORATE limitation?) Models are popping in and out in the distance I played around with it, seems really good so far for an alpha, but I have some several problems with it +Added dude and cop clothes, although while wearing cop uniform, cop AI is still poor +Corrected some out of scale objects and corrected in the map1 +Added all cactuses damage and corrected hitboxes +Added purely random pain sounds for Postal Dude +Further FPS optimizations (1 - 5 % increase)

+Added jail system and scripts (not currently used in the game) +Fixed many bugs including piss mechanics +Cash pickup items now repel each other so they don't stack and start z-fighting +Huge fps increase (+10 %) Far Dynamic lights turn off. +Electric arcs on poles (small chance for bystanders to have a suicidal thought) Note that there's still nothing to do in the houses, this is just merely the test version for some weapons AI and stuff and most importantly, optimization. Just a packed dev version of the mod, you may find something if you dig into it